Beach Not Bitumen Campaign

The Beach Not Bitumen campaign is building momentum.

The campaign is being lead by a group of Trigg and Scarborough residents who are trying to stop the MRA’s plans to put roads through the protected (Bush Forever) dunes at either end of the Scarborough Beach redevelopment.

See this excellent report by WTV explaining the issue and the recent protest on the steps of Parliament House.

The land where the roads would go is City of Stirling land.  The Minister for Planning is trying to get the CoS to hand it over.  There are also concerns that the amount of land they are trying to get hold of is much larger than what would be needed for a couple of roads.  So there is speculation that more development could be planned in the protected dunes?

The group and many supporters from across the City of Stirling and Perth have been attending council meetings and lobbying the State Government to try and stop the land hand over.

At the CoS has agreed to hold back a decision so Councillors can consider the matter more carefully and the Minister has agreed to consider alternative solutions for all of the extra cars and traffic.

One solution being touted is a putting the money towards light rail from Scarborough to Stirling or Glendalough Station to alleviate the need for people to drive cars to the area.

Local Greens candidate for Stirling Judith Cullity raised this motion at the recent General Elector’s Meeting;

“That the City of Stirling introduces a ‘Specific Area Rate’ along the pedestrian catchment of Scarborough Beach Road and approaches the Federal Government for a ‘City Deal’ to showcase a ‘Value Capture Financed’ light rail infrastructure and urban rejuvenation project.”

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.  It will be address at a future council meeting.

However, urban planner Linley Lutton, does not think light rail would be a solution, as the cost would be prohibitive and it would not attract enough users, especially in winter.  He suggested that a couple of fun double decker tourist/beach buses would make a lot more sense. These tourist buses could also run back and forth from Fremantle via West Coast Hwy and up the coast to northern destinations along the coast, bringing people to and from Scarborough Beach.

For more information  and to find out how you can help go to the following;

Beach Not Bitumen

Save Scarborough Sand Dunes 

Friends of Trigg Beach

See letters in the West Australian ;


Letter in the West Australian – 14th November, 2016 by Leisha Jack


Letter in the West Australian 24th Nov by Fran Maloney

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