Caught short in Stirling?

What is it about public toilets in Stirling ?

Not content with a WTF attempt to remove branding from among others (but let’s face it, it’s all about this one) the Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre in an attempt to gain `recognition` for the greater glory of the City~ ’ Cllr Migdale is apparently in phase 2 of what can only be a holy war against public toilets, in a previous meeting Cllr Migdale gave an impassioned speech highlighting the reasons that some public toilets in the Doubleview ward should be demolished, there is speculation that it was simply to stir the Council pot a little and Cllr Migdale would not have been alone in that case but it appears Cllr Migdale has a list of public toilets destined to go down the clacker and sadly for those caught short in Beaufort Street, Mount Lawley public toilets are also on that list.

This motion was added to augment an existing agreement for the greening of Beaufort street which at least might be well watered should the public facilities be removed.

In excellent pathe newsreel style the City’s report notes the facilities average ‘occupations’ ;

the toilet is well utilised by the public with an average monthly usage of 1,500 occupations (daily usage of 63 occupations).”

And goes further to note that the block contains a CCTV unit that would require relocation, in other words they can find not a single logical reason for its removal.

SCM are skeptically confident that reasons, as yet undiscovered, exist.


“The City does not receive due recognition for providing these excellent facilities”

Cleaning toilets is one thing, but scrubbing the memory of one of Stirlings most popular and well-respected-from-all-sides Councillors from public view, is in the view of many, another.
Cllr Migdales motion begins…

“The City Officers PREPARE a report to Council on the marketing benefits and financial implications of applying the ‘Stirling Leisure Centre’ branding across all City of Stirling Leisure Centres so that all centres are fully re-branded by June 2021”

And continues to note that …

“City does not receive due recognition for providing these excellent facilities”

The City does not receive much recognition for its state of the art indiscriminate toilet demolition program either (though we are trying) but that’s not what Councils are for (recognition), there is a reason that Local Government Exists, and it can quite easily be found in the Local Government Act and, a spoiler, recognition of `what a great lot we are` is NOT part of local governments raison d’être.

It might be appropriate to plan some rules for future branding of future facilities, but in these times of suggestions that zero rate freezes might not be possible due to funding constraints …. well maybe the City’s report nails it with the following line;

“the financial implications to roll out the rebranding will be significant,”

Perhaps Councillor Migdale will point out at Tuesday’s meeting why such statue toppling is worthy of being given even a shard of the light of day.

Hopefully this motion will be appropriately flushed by Council, and Councillors, please don’t forget to wash your hands.

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