The Terry Tyzack effect

Cllr Migdale, dropping her previous `misunderstood` motion in regard to re branding of Stirling Leisure centres formed an alternative motion to be addressed in the Agenda for 16th April.


14.2 A motionless motion?

In a similar fashion to when the Mayor ask’s ‘and is there a question? Mr Wheeler‘ at question time I am unsure exactly what Councillors are supposed to vote on in this matter which might  have better been more appropriately formed as a question to be taken on notice.

“That the City INVESTIGATES how the City’s Leisure Centres and Community Buildings appear on online search engines, and ensure consistency for the City’s brand and users”

In its report the City does exactly that and pulls no punches in noting that a Google search for ‘Leisurepark Balga’, “yields the listing for Stirling Leisure Centres – Leisurepark – Balga;

Mad stuff~.

Being a contrary type and wondering what people might actually be searching for rather than the SEO 101 on `how to sell SEO` approach  of the City yielded the following information…

Simply put, Terry Tyzack is far more popular than ‘Stirling Leisure/community Centres’ etc and in the main a more popular search term than ‘Perth Swimming Pools’.

There can be only one logical outcome from this in-depth, or is that in the deep end research, and that is that not only should we NOT remove Terry Tyzacks name from the Inglewood Aquatic Centre but in fact we should rebrand EVERYTHING ELSE to include Mr Tyzacks’s name, save the Herb Albert park, that might be seen as disrespectful.


Of course my research is as logically flawed as the City’s (*) and indeed were it not for the answer to a question asked at the last Council meeting last week I probably would not be writing this.

When asking Council what exactly the role of Council was …

“ of due recognition or providing a service to the community?”

Paul Collins of the Mount Lawley Society received the comprehensive answer from Mayor Irwin  of `both`.

I have scoured the Local Government Act and discovered that neither `providing due recognition`, nor `getting the recognition it deserves` are to be found as requirements anywhere in the Act nor in its many regulations, though saying bad things about the City is overwhelmingly covered.

It might be a true thing to suggest that as a secondary supporting condition, e.g. if getting due recognition would in some way might promote the actual requirements of Council under the Act, then that could be accepted.

At a recent WARRA meeting the Minister for Local Government the Honourable David Templeman was concerned that not all Councillors properly understand the Act and probably require training (muffled sounds of WALGA rubbing hands) and this is on the agenda for the ongoing review of the Local Government Act.

Of course the Local Government Act Review is pushing for the right for LGA’s to run `beneficial enterprise’s`  ,  at this point perhaps these secondary lines might blur further, it all depends on the intent of the proposals currently spruiked to save money though allegedly we have WALGA and Regional Councils to do that regardless of actual outcome.

There may be some legitimate case for beneficial enterprises in more Regional LGA’s where essential services might be lacking but in Metropolitan LGA’s it will probably only lead to marketing opportunities, in which case, and in conclusion;

Lets start re-branding everything with Mr Tyzack’s name before he sells the rights to some other Council!!!




* the City does very well in the online space in promoting its services, is continually improving and should be congratulated, but not for this report unless it was a case of ‘well we have to give them something‘ .


Local Government Act 1995

2.7.Role of council

(1)The council —
   (a) governs the local government’s affairs; and
   (b) is responsible for the performance of the local government’s functions.
(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the council is to —
   (a) oversee the allocation of the local government’s finances and resources; and
   (b) determine the local government’s policies.

2.10.Role of councillors

A councillor —
  (a) represents the interests of electors, ratepayers and residents of the district; and
  (b) provides leadership and guidance to the community in the district; and
  (c) facilitates communication between the community and the council; and
  (d) participates in the local government’s decision‑making processes at council and committee meetings; and
  (e) performs such other functions as are given to a councillor by this Act or any other written law.

Below is a live Graph which I have been informed does not work on all mobile devices.

One thought on “The Terry Tyzack effect

  1. Exactly, I was wondering what the role of a Councillor is especially after any rate payer ask for help from their Councillor in their area & the Councillor hands are tied when everything needs to go to the CEO first.
    A disgrace that council would even consider taking Terry Tyzack name of the swimming building.

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