“sure, it went to nine storeys and not 38 storeys like we’re doing now”

NIMBY’s!, crowed* Finbar’s Darren Pateman as he launched his tautological evisceration of the South Perth Peninsula group.

WAtoday – finbar-boss-slams-nimbys-over-opposition-to-south-perth-civic-heart-development

Prima facie, intellectually superior name calling like this should really have been a drop-the-mike moment, a final nail in the lid of the crushing defeat of the grovelling NIMBY infested SPPG’s opposition to a development already twice refused by the DAP… `we called you a NIMBY` , `take that biatches`.

To be fair ,considering the audience, the Property Council Forum, Mr Paterson is probably now on a path to beatitude or may at least win something shiny that he can use to blind State Government ministers with, despite comments like;

“sure, it went to nine storeys and not 38 storeys like we’re doing now – but the point is” … yes, please expand on that point…no? ok…

After the NIMBY slamdunk Mr Paterson might of course thought of  stopping, the battle clearly won, but on a roll, or perhaps something stronger, he got slightly carried away as intellectual giants oft tend to do and went into full David Attenborough mode to describe the native habitat and unnatural habits of the not-as-lesser-spotted-as-you-may-think NIMBY.

NIMBY’s, apparently, live in Finbar developments built in the 90’s, personally I come from Birmingham in the UK though perhaps I am probably a throwback?, at least I do not want to be thrown back to the miserable high rise social experiments that failed so miserably in the UK in most places outside of Greater London and Milton Keynes, but I digress.

Being Aquatic types NIMBY’s apparently like to catch the 15 minute Finbar-credited-timetabled ferries to Perth and drink in coffee shops and restaurants , restaurants being a phenomenon assuredly unknown in Metropolitan Perth outside Finbar developed precincts.

NIMBY’s, we are also reliably informed…

“probably walk to the park that’s been refurbished because of the $30 million cheque we wrote to the City of South Perth.”

…meaning, educated developers and Design Review Panellists alike will assume, that the lesser entitled NIMBY is not only amphibious but survives mostly on sustenance provided by generous grants to the Local Government Authorities and other …..


Stopping before lawsuits do otherwise … let’s rewind a little and start with the twice refused by the DAP bit ? twice refused by the *&^% DAP? The critically minded might ponder exactly how shit must this development must actually be if even a DAP would not approve it, and;

If catcalls of NIMBY are the best Mr Paterson can expectorate … normally, being polite, I might  stop there but the imperialist arrogance and condescension of his supporting comments simply do not permit, I would call them arguments, but we are fully grown NIMBY’s.

Mr Paterson thankfully did not go into the mating habits of the NIMBY – given some expert advice might be offered – and one wonders exactly how far  Finbar thinks South Perth residents might actually bend over for an unsolicited $30Mill?

This is not, IMHO the way to make friends and influence people, though when you have a Minister for Planning prepared to look the other way… NO! not that way Minister, that’s Nedlands, no, no not there either that’s Subiaco, Mundaring is over there, Scarborough …“it’s behind you” , as are the Housing Opportunity Areas in Joondalup ….. actually Rita, it’s probably best if you simply do not look at all, after all the pin the development on the map of Perth game is working out nicely.

Finbar are clearly happy with their `win`, and we all like winning, and in general as Australians we quite like winners, but there are few species more despised in this think-yourselves-lucky-we-gave-you-30mill country than the supercilious bad winner, a title for which Finbar’s gloating wins a prize, though probably not one that it wants.


I will close by leaving you with no further comment on REA Groups Ms Consibee’s quote below that tells you everything you didn’t want to know about WA’s property industry today.

“Ms Consibee said the coronavirus epidemic in China could prove beneficial for WA if the Chinese government launched a public infrastructure spending campaign.”

go coronavirus go?


* Please note, I have just assumed the crowing bit, I was not there

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